My Personal Journey

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Whether clad in a suit and tie or comfortable in sneakers and blue jeans, my unwavering mission is to faithfully expound the Word of God through diligent study and engaging discourse. I aim to challenge individuals to delve deeper into their faith while articulating biblical truths in a manner that resonates with their everyday lives. My deepest longing is to honor my King and Savior, Jesus Christ, representing Him with the utmost integrity and power, guided by the movement of His Holy Spirit. I believe the balance within God's Word is exquisite, perfectly bridging the realms of truth and love, judgment and mercy, justice and grace.

God Word is for real life

God shows no favoritism in His love and grace, nor should we. His capacity to save is boundless, able to touch anyone, anywhere, at any moment. We should aspire to reach up for holiness while simultaneously extending a hand down to lift others in their journey. It is vital to encourage one another in our spiritual walks, recognizing that each person's growth unfolds at its own pace. We must remain vigilant, continually seeking and embracing opportunities to share the transformative message of the gospel with others.


In the competitive world of commercial and residential contracting, I started my journey at Florida Certified Contractors with minimal experience, but I quickly transformed into an effective and successful leader. Beginning as a basic helper, I harnessed the empowering message of Philippians 4:13, adopting the resolute belief that "I can do anything." I seized every challenge as an opportunity to learn and excel. By the time I left FCC in 2018, I had confidently stepped into the role of project manager, overseeing major projects like the World Golf Village pictured below, where I managed millions of dollars in equipment, supplies, personnel, and profit. I understand that true leadership involves taking full responsibility for the team, no matter the circumstances, and this drive for excellence is precisely what I will bring to the pulpit, just as I did in my secular endeavors.

Built from the ground up

In 2011, I embraced the opportunity to become the student pastor at Bible Baptist Church in St. Augustine, FL. Although there was no established youth group—just a small 12x12 concrete block room and one student in a congregation of thirty-five—I was determined to make a difference. I quickly learned that excellence and dedication hold equal importance, whether serving one student or one hundred. Within just two years, we transformed that initial one-on-one connection into a vibrant youth ministry, with twenty-five students regularly attending our Wednesday night services, effectively doubling the size of the church. We actively reached out to the neighborhoods and schools around us, regardless of socioeconomic backgrounds, introducing numerous teens to the message of Jesus Christ. In 2013, after my examination and ordination, I stepped into the role of associate pastor, fully engaging in all aspects of church life, including baptisms, weddings, family care, and vital business meetings.

Throughout my journey, both in the workplace and the pulpit, I have embraced the challenge from God to view obstacles as opportunities. This has cultivated a strong personal philosophy in me that "Opportunity swings from the hinge of opposition." With this mindset, my wife and I have relentlessly pursued God's plan and purpose, even during the inevitable times of pain and confusion. We have witnessed His unwavering faithfulness through every challenge we faced, and it has strengthened our resolve to continue on this path.


Without a doubt, my family is my number one priority in this world. I passionately believe that the family unit is God's primary institution and that it is the best way to model His grace to the world around us. After all, the Church is called the "family of God," and one of the main qualifications of an overseer is that his own house is managed well. Sarah and I have practiced this mindset with our girls as we bring them up "in the training and admonition of the Lord."

It starts at home

The journey of fatherhood, pastoring, and management has profoundly shaped my identity and approach to leadership among those entrusted to me by God. I believe in the essential balance of humility, empathy, wisdom, and decisiveness in a leader's life. With unwavering determination, I strive to embody that balance with grace and integrity.

Reflecting on my original salvation experience and the journey to understanding His call on my life, I find deep gratitude for the grace that mirrors the Apostle Paul’s for it is solely by the grace of God that I am what I am and have been gifted with the care of His people.

(I Tim. 1:12; 1Co 15:10)

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